Photography by Simon Clemenger
Hello! I’m a communications consultant and coach based in South London. I help people fulfil their ambitions by making the most of their marketing and communications efforts, with a particular focus on dance and theatre, literature, disability arts and leadership development. I also support people to make positive changes in their work and life through coaching and mentoring.
Discover more about who I am, who I’ve worked with, and how I can help you.
— Sharon Duggal, Writer and former Head of Communications, South East Dance
— Zia - Coaching Client
Earlier this month trustees from arts organisations gathered for the flagship annual governance event Governance Now: Imagine it Different*. Conference producer Rowena Price reflects on their collective aim to find bold, imaginative ways to weather current storms.
We’ve all been there: stuck at the proverbial crossroads, unable to see the wood for the trees, feet floundering for the next step. “Have you tried coaching?” says your well-meaning colleague (or cat) in the kitchen, before sauntering back to their desk (or basket), having issued no further instructions...
There are certain rites of passage that come with carving a career in, or immersing yourself in the world of, a particular artform. Inspirational first encounters with the work of an icon being chief among them…
Zoie Golding and Ollie Webb are 20 years apart in age and experience. Coming from backgrounds where a career in dance would be unlikely, they have taken unconventional routes into the industry…
Meet digital illustrator Boo Bruce-Smith - AKA Aliomalley. We chat about her tongue-in-cheek treatment of politics and dating, forsaking the tyranny of the algorithm for real life networking, and how her most popular fuckboi illustration has only ever been bought by men…
Meet Zoe Tuckey, Lead Designer at JOYN, creators of ethically produced handmade bags from India. She holds the creative vision behind their handcrafted products and oversees how they put into practice their values of caring for people and the planet in all that they do.
A special coaching offer for artists and creatives who have been adversely affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.
An ode to my experience of coaching training and the sense of purpose that emerged as a result.
Whatever risk you’re considering taking right now in your life, no matter how big or small, if your gut is pulling you in that direction, chances are it’ll be worth it.